
60 x 50mg tabs

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(Oxymethalone) 50mg Tablets

 Anadrol (or also known as Oxy) (Oxymethalone) is the strongest of all the oral steroids on the market today.

The compound has an extremely high androgenic effect, which goes hand in hand with an extremely intense anabolic component.  For this reason, dramatic gains in strength and muscle mass can be achieved in a very short time.  An increase in body weight of 10-15 pounds or more in only 14 days is not unusual.  Water retention is considerable, so that the muscle diameter quickly increases and the user gets a massive appearance within record time.  Since the muscle cell draws a lot of water, the entire muscle system of most athletes looks smooth, in part even puffy.

Oxy does not create quality muscle gain and is generally used for gaining mass, which in the off-season is quite welcome.  By taking Oxy the athlete experiences an enormous “pump effect” during the workout in the exercised muscles.  The blood volume in the body is significantly elevated causing a higher blood supply to the muscles during workout.

Oxymethalone increases the number of red blood cells, allowing the muscle to absorb more oxygen. The muscle thus has a higher endurance and performance level. Consequently, the athlete can rely on great power and high strength even after several sets.  Some bodybuilders report such an enormous, and in part, painful “pump” that they end their workout after only a few sets or work on another muscle.  The often-mentioned “steroid pump” manifests itself to an extreme by the intake of Oxymethalone and during workout it gives the athlete a fantastic and satisfying sensation.  The highly androgenic effect of Oxymethalone stimulates the regeneration of the body so that the often feared “over training” is unlikely.  The athlete often feels that only hours after a strenuous workout he is ready for more.  Even if he works out six days a week he makes continued progress.

A dosage sufficient for any athlete would be 0.5 – 0.8mg per pound of body weight/day. This corresponds to 1-4 tablets; i.e. 50-200 mg/day.  Under no circumstances should an athlete take more than four tablets in any given day. Most have the opinion that a daily intake of three tablets should not be exceeded.  Athletes that want to try Oxymethalone for the first time should begin with an intake of only one 50mg tablet.  After a few days or even better, after one week, the daily dosage can be increased to two tablets, one tablet each in the morning and evening, taken with meals.

After discontinuing Oxymethalone it is important to continue steroid treatment with another compound, otherwise, a drastic reduction takes place and the user, as is often observed, within a short period looks the same as before the treatment. No other anabolic/androgenic steroid causes such a fast and drastic loss in strength and mass, as does Oxymethalone.  If used correctly it will of course be very useful for developing large muscle bulk, which can then be qualified by the use of other steroids.

Oxymethalone is unfortunately also the most harmful oral steroid.  Its intake can cause many considerable side effects.  Since it is 17-alpha alkylated it is very liver-toxic.  Most users can expect certain pathological changes in their liver values after only a few weeks.  Duration of this compound should be kept to a minimum and no longer than 6 weeks.
Oxymethalone is to be taken seriously and the prevailing bodybuilder’s mentality “more is better” is out of place.

Proper post cycle therapy with H.C.G and Clomid/Nolvadex is essential after a cycle of Oxymethalone to help the body’s own testosterone production recover.


High dosage or prolonged use will of course increase these effects.

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Natural testosterone suppression
  • Oily skin, acne
  • body/facial hair growth
  • premature balding
  • Aggressiveness
  • Raised cholesterol levels


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