DECA 300

(2 customer reviews)


1 x 10ml vial 300mg per 1ml

Expiry Dates: min 2026

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DECA 300

Deca (Nandrolone Decanoate) is highly anabolic and only moderately androgenic. It works by promoting a positive nitrogen balance in the body which causes the muscles to be able to use more protein, more efficiently than normal. It does this by causing the muscle cells to store more nitrogen than they are releasing.

Nandrolone has been the drug of choice for athletes for decades as it combines a high level of potency with minimal side effects. As well as its strong muscle building effects nandrolone has been shown to increase red blood cell count.

As with most nandrolones, gains are slower than testosterones but rest assured once it starts kicking in you can achieve good solid gains of pure quality muscle that you can keep a larger percentage of, so long as you keep training and eating correctly.

For maximum effect from this drug, one must eat a good “clean” high protein, high carb diet and sleep properly, which could be said for many steroids in fact.

Deca is an excellent all-rounder, is relatively safe and it can be stacked with virtually any other steroid or simply used alone. Deca is also known for relieving old aches and pains and some have reported that certain old injuries have been cleared up totally from its use. If you are looking to achieve better quality muscle rather than pure bulk, then stacking Deca with other non-aromatizing steroids such as Winstrol, Anavar, Masteron (Drostanalone), Trenbolone, Primobolan etc. is a sure bet due to less water retention.

Average dosage is between 400 – 600 mgs/week. A good calculation for Deca is 2mg per lb of bodyweight per week.


High dosage or prolonged use will of course increase these effects.

  • Oily skin, acne, body/facial hair growth and hair loss
  • Androgenic effects
  • Water retention
  • Can cause progestin-like activity
  • Suppression of endogenous testosterone levels
  • Can be detected for up to a year or more after use

2 reviews for DECA 300

  1. Mantas MICHELBERTAS (verified owner)

    Bought it for shoulder pain, after week 50% pain was gone, after 2 weeks completely disappeared,2 month’s on an now 2 month’s of still no issues with shoulder,so it’s good stuff great and fast service 10 out of 10

  2. Wormz (verified owner)

    Top service top stuff great service

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