
50 x 1mg Tablets




(Anastrozole) 1mg Tabs

Arimidex (generic name is Anastrozole) is a medicine developed for the treatment of advanced breast cancer in women and as opposed to Nolvadex and Clomid, Arimidex literally blocks conversion of steroids to estrogen.

It works by stopping the aromatise enzyme from acting on excess testosterone therefore cancelling out the side effect of Estorgen production during a cycle.

If you are using Arimidex there is generally no need to use Nolvadex or Clomid as anti-estrogens however Clomid still has a use at the end of a cycle to help stimulate the body’s own production of natural testosterone.  Arimidex is an expensive (although very proficient) way to combat estrogen so many choose to use a combination of Nolvadex, Proviron, and/or Clomid.

The effects of Arimidex can be quite dramatic to say the least.  A daily dose of one tablet 1 mg can be enough to cancel out estrogen totally and even .5mg (half tab) is sufficient for some people.

When used with strong, readily aromatising androgens such as Dianabol or testosterone, gynocomastia and water retention can be effectively blocked.  In combination with Propecia (finasteride, see Proscar), we have a great advance.  With Arimidex halting estrogen conversion and the other blocking the related androgen problems caused by DHT (Dehydrotestosterone), we have a good combination that can make heavy cycles more tolerable to the user and still produce good quality gains with a harder leaner appearance.


  • Suppression of HDL (good) cholesterol



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